


你有冇試過...喺車站突然遇到令你心動嘅人,又或者喺車廂聽到把熟悉嘅聲音?抬頭一望, 你會發現...我就喺你眼前👀🙂‍↔️ #乜又係我呀張生 想知呢個美麗邂逅點樣發生?記得聽日中午12點返嚟,率先睇港鐵45周年主題影片首播! #港鐵45周年 #一點點連繫相伴 #仲有嘢你估唔到 Have you ever had your heart race when meeting someone unexpectedly at the station or hearing a familiar voice on the train? And then, when you look up, it's none other than...​Me ! 💓 Curious about why this enchanting encounter happened? Don't forget to check out the MTR Facebook/Instagram page tomorrow at 12nn for the premiere of the MTR 45th-anniversary themed video!​ ​ #MTR45 #WeConnectLivesForEveryJourney​ #MTR45Years #TogetherInMTR

08.19 12:09

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