


「地下鐵碰著她…🎶」估唔到喺站入邊我真係見到好多個…她他她! 一路行過時光隧道,撞見 #緣分 嘅Monica同呀Paul 喺車箱入面激吻😳, 睇到 #三人世界 嘅朱麗娥同Alex甜蜜鬥嘴😝 、又有 #幻愛 嘅志樂同欣欣疑幻似真嘅愛情… 仲有你同我呀! 每日同唔同人連繫相聚嘅小故仔! 睇住呢d片段,我不自覺地會心微笑😌… 未睇片嘅你,準備好同我一齊度過呢「幾分鐘的約會」 未呀😝 #港鐵45周年 #一點點連繫相伴 #港鐵45周年品牌宣傳影片 #張敬軒 #緣份 #三人世界 # 下一站天后 #幻愛 #幾分鐘的約會 Does this tune remind you of sweet memories from classic movies😆! As you walk through the tunnel of time, you will witness #BehindTheYellowLine Monica and Paul's sweet encounter on the train ❤️, behold #HeartToHearts Judy and Alex's sweet banter, and even experience #BeyondTheDream a young couple's seemingly surreal love story 💓. MTR connects people and brings us together. Many have penned down profound stories of companionship here 💕. For those who haven't watched the video yet, are you ready to spend these 'few minutes of a date' together 😊? #MTR45 #WeConnectLivesForEveryJourney #MTR45Years #TogetherInMTR #HinsCheung #HKMovie

08.20 12:15

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