
U GO, GOES-U! 🛰 @NOAA’s GOES-U weather satellite launched from @NASAKennedy on June 25, 2024, at 5:26 p.m. EDT (2126 UTC) atop a @SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. GOES-U is the last in the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES)-R Series, a series of advanced satellites that provide fast, high-resolution imagery and atmospheric measurements of Earth’s Western Hemisphere, real-time mapping of lightning activity, and monitoring of solar activity and space weather. Aboard GOES-U are seven instruments, including a new, operational Compact Coronagraph-1 instrument. The coronagraph will observe the Sun’s outermost layer, called the corona, for large explosions of plasma that could produce geomagnetic solar storms. These solar storms can impact satellites and communications systems on Earth. Image descriptions: 1. A white SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket carrying GOES-U lifts off. Flames shoot out from under it as white smoke billows around the launchpad. A tall, black structure called the gantry with criss-cross metals bars disappearing into the white smoke is in front of the rocket. A white water tower with the words “SpaceX” across the top, rounded section can be seen on the left. 2. The white rocket flies upward through the deep blue sky, flames still blazing. Credit: NASA/Amber Jean Notvest #NASA #Space #Launch #FalconHeavy #Rocket #Satellite #Liftoff #Meteorology

06.26 08:28

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