
Blink and you’ll miss it 👀 The bright star taking center stage is a Wolf-Rayet star known as WR 31a, located about 30,000 light-years away in the constellation of Carina (The Keel). Wolf-Rayet stars, named after astronomers Charles Wolf and Georges Rayet who discovered the first of these stars, are extremely hot and massive. Some can be around 20 times as massive as the Sun! However, their lifecycle is only a few hundred thousand years. In cosmic terms, that’s like the blink of an eye. Wolf–Rayet stars typically lose half their mass in less than 100,000 years, and WR 31a is no exception. It will eventually end its life as a spectacular supernova, and the stellar material expelled from its explosion will later nourish a new generation of stars and planets. The blue bubble that looks like it’s surrounding WR 31a and its unnamed companion is a Wolf-Rayet nebula. These typically round or ring-shaped interstellar clouds of dust and gas are created when speedy winds interact with the outer layers of hydrogen ejected by Wolf–Rayet stars. Image description: A deep blue ring of dust circles around two bright stars with large diffraction spikes. Inside and outside the blue circle, stars of varying sizes dot the darkness of space. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt #NASA #Stars #Hubble #Telescope #Bubble #Nebula #Astronomy #Universe

09.25 03:22

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